Monday, June 25, 2007

Family Fun

It's been a while since I have blogged...sorry. Time seems to keep getting away from me. We are doing well here. There is one more week until my family leaves. I sure am going to miss them. It has been so nice having them here. They have been a huge help to me and I so appriciate it, and the boys have loved having them here as well. Tonight at dinner Tyler asked Brennen if he would stay here and be his big brother. It was so cute. Here are a few pictures from the past couple of weeks.
Tyler at the Smiths for a BBQ
Emilee at the Smiths for a BBQ
Our first attempt for a family picture. It's that much harder getting everyone to look!Emilee has been smiling for quite some time now, but I can't seem to get her to smile for the camera. So this is the closest that I can get to a smile.

Tyler being cute Tyler
We celebrated Tyler and Brennen's birthday on Saturday
Emilee is 5 weeks

Brennen and Emilee

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fun at Kaleb's Birthday Party

On Monday we went to Bear Creek Park for Tyler and JJ's good friend, Kaleb's, 4th birthday. The boys had so much fun. It was a nice, but windy day. Here are some pictures of the boys and one of Emilee all bundled up. Emilee is doing good. I took her to the doctor's this morning because she has had a really stuffed up nose. The stuffiness comes and goes, but it's uncomfortable for her, and she is choking a bit because of it. So I thought I would go and get her checked out. Well, he said that she's sign of a cold. Sometimes babies can get stuffy noses due to the dry air. So that's good, I'm glad it's not sickness related. Other than that she is doing great.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Emilee's 3 Weeks

Sleeping on Papa
I was trying to get her to smile

Friday, June 8, 2007

Our Stubborn Little Eater

This is JJ. Let me tell you how stubborn he is. He is not such a good eater. The last couple of weeks he has been especially challenging getting him to eat dinner. Chris and I have this rule that what they don't eat at dinner they will eat it the next time they are hungry. Even if that means the next day for breakfast. So this seems to be the routine. JJ eats his dinner for breakfast of lunch the next day. But on this particular day JJ went 24hours without eating. It was so hard on all of us. But close to 7pm the next day he finally finished, and was very proud of it. We all celebrated that the punishment was finished!
Emilee asleep on Grammy
Tyler and his little sister
Uncle Brennen and his littlest niece

Sunday, June 3, 2007

More wonderful pictures

Emilee loves her swing, especially when she has her beautiful pink blanket!
Tyler and JJ have loved playing outside, it has been gorgeous here!
JJ and Ty love playing with play dough Brennen is so COOL!
This is Emilee, being held by Judy Hunter at our Ann. party
Emilee at a party, wearing party clothes, isn't she beautiful!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Happy 5th Anniversary to Us and Jay and Jacquee!

Yesterday was our fifth anniversary. We didn't really do anything because a lady in our church...Nancy Garner...ordered quite a large cake from me. So Chris and I decided that we wouldn't go out on Friday, but Saturday instead after the stress of making the cake was over. I almost didn't take the cake job, but she offered to pay double, so I couldn't turn down the money. So yesterday I baked and iced the cakes, and decorated them today. After the work was all finished, I got all cleaned up and go ready for our date out to White Rock to the Boathouse. Well, Nancy came to pick up her cake at 5:30 and she and my parents were in the kitchen, and she was writing the cheque...come to find out that the cake that I had slaved over was for our SURPRISE ANNIVERSARY PARTY. My parents had planned a great party for us. So we didn't get to go out, but we will make that up another night. We really enjoyed the party with some of our closest friends. Thanks for everyone that came to celebrate with us, and thanks to mom and dad who love us and encourage us and blessed us with a great party! A special Happy Anniversary to Jason and Jacquee who are also celebrating their fifth! I love you so much!