It was five years ago today, around noon when our lives were changed forever! I remember it so vividly, spending several hours at the hospital, waiting, wondering when our little, soon-to-be bundle of joy was going to come bursting out. Then it happened, the doctor broke
Kellee's water, and we were off to the races. I remember there being some panic. A constant monitoring of his heart, counting beeps and watching of numbers (couldn't they turn the beeping off???). The nurses came rushing in, the doctor came rushing in, and it was time for
Kellee to push. There was a brief interruption when Dr. Glenn's cellphone rang, I answered it for her at her request, and it was her daughter, 'Is my mom there?' she said. 'Well she is, but she is delivering my baby right now?' I replied. 'Oh!' she responded. Dr. Glenn actually took the call if you can believe that.
And a few minutes later, Tyler came bursting out, purple and crying, sort of looking like a jellyfish, but cuter. I began to cry,
Kellee cried, and we had a Tyler. Lucky us!
Tyler is an amazing boy. He is very smart, not in the traditional way, but in other ways. He can do puzzles, lots of them, and big ones, ones that his dad can't really do without getting a headache. He likes to know how things work, like the mechanics behind his bike, things like that. He is very orderly for a five year old. He likes things done a certain way, and when a babysitter comes over for the first time we tell her if she isn't sure of something to ask Tyler, because he will know. And we assure her that he won't lie to her, because he is very honest. He is
athletic. He loves to ride his bike (which he could do without training wheels at the age of 3) and play a bunch of different sports. He can climb trees, pretty high ones. He has muscles, like biceps and pecs, and abs, he has been doing crunches since he was born. He also has a soft side, he gives out kisses at will and he is very affectionate with his words. I do believe he is going to be a very good man. He shows signs of that already. He embraces his role as the big brother, and sometimes when all the kids are outside playing we can hear him sticking up for his siblings, reminding them that those are his little brother and sister they are picking on and they better stop right now. He is well behaved, and will be the kind of man who opens doors for lady's and says please and thank you all the time. The kind that you would actually want to take home to meet your parents and you would be proud of him.
I know, I am bragging, but it is his birthday and my blog, and heck I am so proud of him!
It so much fun having a Tyler. And today on his birthday it was fun to celebrate him. He is a gift from God and I remind myself of that everyday, and I remind him (and
JJ and Emilee) of that everyday.