My sister left yesterday. We had such a great week. I miss her so much. Sometimes it's so hard being miles away from the people you love, and I'm feeling that today. This last week wasn't event filled. We mostly rested, and relaxed. Since
Jacquee was away from her normal
business of three kids, it was nice to do a lot of relaxing. (
Thank you Jay for letting me have your wife for a week, it means so much.) Yesterday, the boys and I went to Seattle to drop her off at the airport, then back home again. We spent the rest of the day moping around, and sleeping. Chris and I were both wasted, and couldn't do much. Chris preach a real zinger in his
homiletics class yesterday, and had some great reviews. I'm so
proud of him.

Above is Jacquee and I out for dinner one evening, and below is JJ, Madison, and Emmalea wearing my belts.

Below is the boys getting into all of mom's personal hygene products, they thought the tampons were pretty cool!

Below is a huge goose egg madison got from falling on the corner of the wall. Ooch!

My sister is quite the photographer, so her and I had some fun taking pregnancy pictures. Here are a couple. Thanks
Jacq for the great belly pictures. I will never forget the fun.