The Boys LOVE pretending to make donuts, Chris and I are eating donuts all day long. They need their special Krispy Kream hats in order to make the donuts.

After we are finished making donuts. We like to fix things. And since I finally put new batteries in the drill, it's extra fun.

And after a long day of playing, we get all clean, and help mom clean the bathroom walls.

Now we are ready for bed and are watching Over the Hedge in mom and dad's big bed. Mom is so happy that we are settled, and calm...

For some reason it has been a long day for me. And I'm so ready for bed time. Sorry that I haven't been so good at updating the blog lately. I have been feeling pregnant!

Today I went to the hospital to get tested for gestational diabetes. I had to chug that orange drink. I actually don't mind it. It's like orange pop. So I think that I'm fine. I didn't feel any of the symptoms that I was supposed to be looking for. What I don't like is the needle part. You would think after having two babies, that I would get used to the needle thing. But I still hate it. Especially when the technician is rough and careless (like today). Anyways. The fun part of my hospital visit was registering. I went to the maternity ward, and filled out all the paper work. It was so exciting being there. All these fond memories came rolling back. And we are all excited for May to come.
Tyler has been learning his months in preschool, and we go over the date all the time. He keeps asking me if it is May yet. He is excited for the baby. When I told him this morning that I was going to the doctor, he asked me if I was going to have the baby. Quite often he tells me, as he's rubbing my tummy, that my baby is growing. He is knows that the time is coming soon.
Guess sister is coming to visit.

I'm so excited. It was a last minute trip idea.
Jacquee and Madison are flying here on Tuesday. JJ and myself are driving down to Seattle to get her. (Isn't Seattle such a beautiful city!)

So I'm sure I will put some more pictures of us on later. I have no idea what we are going to do, but I'm sure it will be fun. We always have fun together!
We've been having a tough time with potty training Tyler through the night. Both Chris and I are unsure if we are making the right decisions. We have been pretty
persevering. We haven't wanted to give up...or retreat. So he has been going without diapers since Christmas, and has done pretty good, as long as he has no liquids in his belly. But now that he is on the top bunk it makes it challenging for him to want to get down and go in the middle of the night. We think that maybe he just isn't ready, so we put him in pull-ups and will continue to encourage and reward the dry nights. I have found potty training to be one of the hardest hurdles to far...(I'm sure there are many to come). I am thankful for rest I have had the last couple on days in not washing sheets!
Look out Krispie Kreme! Make way for the new extravaganza chefs Tyler and JJ!!!! :) I wish I could taste your donuts, I'll bet they're terrific! Make sure you each have one for me.
JJ, I'm a bit worried about the look in your eye while holding that drill. You look like you have some serious renovations in mind.
Both of you look so tiny in that huge bed! I wish I could be there to hug you both. Tyler, make sure you play with JJ's toes for me. And JJ, you have to play with Tyler's toes too.
Kellee, I'm glad you're feeling well. I'm sure those two keep you very busy. Try to get rest when you can. It's going to get busier still.
I miss you Chris. I hope things are going well for you. I wish you strength and wisdom to handle all of life's challenges.
Love you all,
Mom Synesael
I agree with Mom S! Those two look so TINY in that huge bed! Love it!
Great belly shot Kell! Can't wait to see your more "artistic" shots! ;)
Yum - Krispie Kreme!!
Kellee and Chris,
It's so great to see what you guys are up to! Your boys are adorable!! I can't wait to see #3 :o)
Trust me life does get much more hectic but it's so fun! And after the newborn stage it settles back down and you do get into a whole new routine... your house may never be the same though!
Hey Chris & Kellee,
Your blog inspired me to start doing the same. It is great to see pics of the kids and to know that you are living it and loving it in BC! Peace, Jack
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