As you may already know...it is getting close to baby time! I made a fun poll, so go ahead and vote...but please don't make Chris happy and vote for the boy's name - Sh1. He suggested that if that name gets the most votes that we would name the baby that. Yeah Right!
Anyways we have 5 weeks left until the due date, and everything is going great. I'm definitely getting bigger. And ready to pop!
who's the hottie in that pic! wowzas!
i love that when you look at the votes, SH1 only has one, and you CLEARLY know who that one vote is from.. haha..
Dad says something simple so I can remember the name like Mike or Sue, you know... one syllable names.
SH1, SH1, SH1
I support you in your fight against sh1.
someone tell chris he can't vote more than once! cuz there is clearly 4 votes for SH1..
i cant vote more than once thanks for accusing me of colusion!
We can only think of one great name for a boy and that is Peter haha love dad and Brenda.
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