Wow...I can't believe that Tyler is already 4 years old. How time has flown by, and now we have three beautiful children. I can't believe it. Tyler sure is a big boy. He is a wonderful young man. And yes I mean man. He can't wait to grow up and be just like his dad. He wants to have more arm hair and leg hair. He was so excited the other day when he noticed that he has a small amount, one step closer to being like dad. He stepped on the scale this morning and wanted the weight indicator to move all the way to the other side. He asked me "when I get big like daddy will it move all the way to the other side?" I laughed and said, "yes when you get big like daddy you will weigh a lot too!" It's really neat to see him be so in love with his dad. Tyler is such a caring boy, he is always helping me with JJ and Emilee. He's so tender and sweet. But he's a boy boy as well. Playing basketball and rough-housing non stop, getting dirty and eating his boogers (which we're trying to stop). It's really neat to stop sit back and observe the changes that have taken place in his life. It's so neat to see how his mind work and that he understands so much, and can comprehend as well. Tyler, we love you so much and are so proud of you. We have had so much fun being your mom and dad, and are excited to continue to watch you grow and see where God takes you. Our prayer for you and your bother and sister is that you would grow to be passionate about God, and your life would be one that oozes with love for Him. Love you sweetheart!
We had a little BBQ with some friends, and Tyler got a couple of things. We celebrated his birthday back when my family was here with Brennen. Chris and I gave him and JJ a new really cool basketball net. He also got a really cool Mack from Grammy and Papa and Uncle B.

The other day at the splash park
Emilee's first time in her very cute (thanks Kerri and Nathan) bathing suit

The other day at the splash park

yay! im so happy she's wearing the bathing suit... she looks so cute! haha. I was very happy to be able to come and celebrate tyler's birthday! What you wrote about him was very sweet. I don't think I've ever heard someone talk about their four-year-old like that!
so chris finally caved and allowed emilee out in a bathing suit eh? that didn't take long! haha she's so cute.. you guys are such a cool family.. have fun at rough acres! we'll be praying for you! :)
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