So we left Oregon and hit sunny California. We spent our first night in California in Lodi (no idea where that is, and wasn't nearly as glamorous as I thought it would be). We froze our butts off because we ran out of propane in the middle of the night! Kinda ironic huh?
Then we woke up, jumped in the van and hit the road. We decided the prospect of driving to the Grand Canyon wasn't looking like such a good idea, because it meant 3 more days of driving and our kids were getting squirrely (Emilee still freaks out whenever we put her in her seat).
So we took a detour to towards the coast and stopped at this place called Pismo Beach. There isn't much here except a fairly nice RV park where we have been for the last 3 nights.
We have been enjoying hanging out on the beach (not swimming, its too cold still), going to walmart to shop for JJ's birthday party, cooking meals and marshmellows on the campfire, reading, and making friends with all the other young families at the playground.
Tomorrow we are leaving. We aren't entirely sure where we are going, we are heading towards LA/San Diego (we think!?) but aren't sure where we will land.
Here are some pics from the trip...
We made it to the sunshine state!

Couple of quick PS's...
1) we just found out yesterday (Wed) morning that we got the job in Victoria.
2) we immediately phoned our real estate agent and he put our place on the market. And we just found out tonight (Thurs) that we have an offer. Assuming the subject get removed it is sold!
We are very excited.
One more thing in case we don't get to blog tomorrow. Happy Birthday to my grand mother who just turned 80. And a huge congrats to Spencer and Kelsey who are getting married on Friday. Wish we could be there guys!!!!!!
We will blog about JJ's day early birthday festivities ASAP.
Hey guys good to hear things are going so well it looks like you are all having fun. Congrats on the job that is awesome, and thats great about the house that was sure quick that shows you that God is at work I think. I look forward to hearing more about your trip as it goes on. See you in a month.
Love Brandon
You guys make camping look fun! Say happy birthday to JJ for me. I'm so happy for you guys that you got the job! That is really really exciting. And now Nathan and i know our way around victoria because I really wanted White spot so we drove around for an hour trying to find one. It turns out it was just a few blocks away from our hotel. Who knew? Oh, and the point of that little story is to say that we are going to visit. yeah. okay, have a wondeerful day!
Love Kerri
Congrats on your awesome news! Heard the first PS from Juli, but am excited to read the second PS! Wow, that was FAST!
God is good!
Your adventures look like lots of fun! Hope JJ's birthday goes well. We have a present for him that I guess will be more like a Christmas present by the time we see you again!
Love you guys!
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