the boys looking for a Christmas tree

in the afternoon on christmas we are going over to some friends from our old church. hope everyone had a great christmas we sure did!
in the afternoon on christmas we are going over to some friends from our old church. hope everyone had a great christmas we sure did!
this is the most crooked street in the is crazy
me and JJ on the trolley the one you see in the Full House intro
me and Tyler on the trolley cartoken shot of the Oregon coast, it was super nice
Some people wanted to see what photos of our house when it was all dolled up to be sold. My brother was kind enough to snap some shots for us.
our kitchen.our living room.
more living room.
emilee's room.
more emilee's room
the boys room.
our room
So our house is sold. I start as the Youth and College Pastor at Saanich Baptist Church ( on January 15th in Victoria and we have no house there...please pray for us. We are going to spend the entire day on Saturday looking at rental and purchase homes.
Emilee looking all cute on the swing
JJ and Emilee going down the slide
Ty and JJ creatively getting a drinkKellee and I being all in love
the boys watching a movie during the campfire
Kellee eating her staple of oreos and peanut butter
she being cute again!!CJ Parker to the rescue!
our 'princess path'
The Synesaels
the sunset (kellee did something cool with the camera to make it those colours)
Emilee and her daddy at the campfire
So we left and we drove until we hit San Francisco. We pulled into here around 4:30, got settled, got dinner, did tonnes of laundry, and are now just planning our Saturday. We are going to go and do some touristy stuff while we are here, go to church on Sunday (if anyone knows of any neat churches we should check out let us know) and then leave again.
A few people have been asking, 'What about Mexico?' Great question. We decided pretty early in our trip that we weren't going to go down there for a couple of reasons. One, because we couldn't bring the trailer down, which would mean paying to store it up here. Two, because it would have meant tacking 3 extra days of straight driving to the first leg of our trip, and the kids would have gone batty. Bigger than our desire to go to Mexico was our desire to relax, have fun, be on our own schedule, and be spontaneous. So that is what is up with Mexico.
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