Well it is official...we are home. We arrived home late (10:30pm) on Tuesday night. It was earlier than we anticipated, but once we left California we really saw no need to hang around. I longed for a bed where my feet didn't hang off the end, and a shower where my head doesn't hit the ceiling. And I know Kellee is excited about not going to laundry mats and lighting pilot lights when she wants to use the oven...oh yeah did I mention that I no longer have to dump our feces out of a drain anymore either, an definite bonus to being home...with that being said though Kellee and I both agree that this was the best month of our lives!
As we were crossing the boarder I was in the way back seat putting Emilee to sleep, Kellee was driving (cute blondes make crossing the boarder easier), and the boys were in the middle bench. I put my arms around the boys and reminded our family of how lucky we are to have each other and what a blessing the entire trip was. At that point I got a little misty (there was dust in the van I am sure) and Kellee started to cry. There were a couple of things that made it emotional, the fact that our trip together was over (and it was sooo good), but it also marked the end of our time in Surrey, because we now have to begin the moving process and all of that stuff. It was a sad but happy moment, one of those bitter sweet kinda things.
The tears pointed to how great our trip was. I am not sure I can put into words how we experienced this trip, but it was just what we needed when we needed. The only word that comes to mind is 'beautiful'. That sounds girly and I hate sounding girly, but it is true. It wont be the sites that we saw, or the weather, or some of the cool things we did that I will remember (some of them I am sure will not be forgotten). But rather that the 6am wake up calls from JJ declaring 'it's wake up time!' or the new catch phrase around our house, 'peanut butter jelly smack on the butt!' or the concerts we had in our underwear with the boys playing guitar, mom on the piano, and me being the lead singer, those are the moments that made this trip what it was for us, 'beautiful'. There I go sounding girly again.
It will forever be a passion of mine to create experiences like this for my family. I do not think we will duplicate this one, each one will be different and special on their own, but I can't wait to make more memories. For those of you with families, please take opportunities to be alone, together. If you get the chance, pile in a van, a trailer, a tent, whatever, and get away, with no agenda, just being together.
Here are some pics. My plan was to blog about San Francisco, but it got hijacked with the girly stuff. I will say this about San Fran though, cool city, crazy streets, stupid expensive (40 bucks to park for the day!!!)
As we were crossing the boarder I was in the way back seat putting Emilee to sleep, Kellee was driving (cute blondes make crossing the boarder easier), and the boys were in the middle bench. I put my arms around the boys and reminded our family of how lucky we are to have each other and what a blessing the entire trip was. At that point I got a little misty (there was dust in the van I am sure) and Kellee started to cry. There were a couple of things that made it emotional, the fact that our trip together was over (and it was sooo good), but it also marked the end of our time in Surrey, because we now have to begin the moving process and all of that stuff. It was a sad but happy moment, one of those bitter sweet kinda things.
The tears pointed to how great our trip was. I am not sure I can put into words how we experienced this trip, but it was just what we needed when we needed. The only word that comes to mind is 'beautiful'. That sounds girly and I hate sounding girly, but it is true. It wont be the sites that we saw, or the weather, or some of the cool things we did that I will remember (some of them I am sure will not be forgotten). But rather that the 6am wake up calls from JJ declaring 'it's wake up time!' or the new catch phrase around our house, 'peanut butter jelly smack on the butt!' or the concerts we had in our underwear with the boys playing guitar, mom on the piano, and me being the lead singer, those are the moments that made this trip what it was for us, 'beautiful'. There I go sounding girly again.
It will forever be a passion of mine to create experiences like this for my family. I do not think we will duplicate this one, each one will be different and special on their own, but I can't wait to make more memories. For those of you with families, please take opportunities to be alone, together. If you get the chance, pile in a van, a trailer, a tent, whatever, and get away, with no agenda, just being together.
Here are some pics. My plan was to blog about San Francisco, but it got hijacked with the girly stuff. I will say this about San Fran though, cool city, crazy streets, stupid expensive (40 bucks to park for the day!!!)
my family with the Golden State bridge in the background, it is big!

this is the most crooked street in the world...it is crazy

me and JJ on the trolley car...like the one you see in the Full House intro

me and Tyler on the trolley cartoken shot of the Oregon coast, it was super nice
Some people wanted to see what photos of our house when it was all dolled up to be sold. My brother was kind enough to snap some shots for us.
our kitchen.our living room.
more living room.
emilee's room.
more emilee's room
the boys room.
our room
So our house is sold. I start as the Youth and College Pastor at Saanich Baptist Church (www.saanichbaptist.org) on January 15th in Victoria and we have no house there...please pray for us. We are going to spend the entire day on Saturday looking at rental and purchase homes.
that was such a sweet post! aww.
also, i believe it was your brother's girlfriend who snapped those house pictures. just throwin' it out there, that's all im saying.
That was so nice! I wasn't going to say this but it actually made me tear up a little bit. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
I'm glad you guys are home, and I'm excited to see you whenever that will be! You are such a wonderful family and I'm glad you guys could have this amazing experience together.
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