Emilee is one week old today. At one week she is doing great. She will smile, but only at mom. She is doing really well holding her neck up. She, like her big brother is doing baby crunches. Emilee is doing good at night. She had one bad night, and couple okay nights, and several good nights. She likes to sleep on my tummy. She has been waking only to eat. She had her first bath at home today, and she wasn't a big fan. She screamed. I'm not sure if it was because of the bath or because of the fact that I attempted to cut her nails, and ended up cutting her finger, and drawing blood. I felt so bad. I hate cutting baby's nails. So I won't anymore. I'm learning that she loves to be held and snuggled. She has really smelly poops, like the rest of the family (except mom, she always smells good!) She doesn't mind the company, because we have been blessed with many visit from our friends. Which we have loved having. Chris and I have noticed how blessed we are to have such great friends and family. Thank you to everyone who has taken and interest in our family at this time. Plus all the gifts! Thank you, thank you, thank you. I went from having one sleeper to a whole lot more. So thanks again!
We are loving having a baby girl. She is a blessing to our family. Tyler and JJ love her, especially JJ. He has surprised us with his interest in her. He always wants to know where she is, wants to give her love, and lots of toys. He likes to give her presents. Daddy, is falling in love, and it's so cute to see. Every morning he tells me how special and beautiful she is. Emilee is the addition to our family that God knew we needed. Thank you God for our family! And thank you again!
that's so cute! I love it when dads get all sweet and tender with their daughters. That's just what they need! I can't wait to come visit again.
so sweet!
so beautiful!! you guys are so lucky. :) see you soon hopefully!
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