My family is sick. Chris has something, he doesn't know what, but he thinks he's dying (he's joking). He does feel horrible. I took JJ to the doctor on Sunday, and he has an ear infection, and some sort of eye infection. Then today Tyler was not himself. So I'm thinking that he's coming down with something too. So I'm in the midst of a battle zone here. I have just over two weeks to go, and I really don't want to get sick. (Oh, the little girl I babysit is sick too). So if you think to pray for our family, please pray that my precious boys feel better, and that I'm able to boycott it. Bye!
That is very crummy that everyone is sick, definitely not a good thing if you catch it either! Too funny that it's all of your boys too (including Chris). Hope you all feel better!
I hope your family gets better! Thank you so much for driving us to the hospital yesterday! I appreciate you so much and I love you to bits and pieces! haha
hey kel, is tyler sick or possesed by demons in that pic?
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