Saturday, February 24, 2007

Kellee's Belly

Here is a shot of our little baby to be still inside of his hot mom. This picture was taken at about 21 weeks. We are now at about 28 weeks. (Thanks Chris)! We are all getting very excited, especially me about having our third baby. I'm getting ready to have it. The poor little baby knows what kind of house he/she is being born into because it is constantly getting kicked, needless to say it leaves mom in pain. Chris and I were commenting today that we are going to have to be way more protective of our new little one with two wild boys.
I have been a little uncomfortable as of late. I need to slow down a bit, relax a little more, and stop the routine I have so become accustomed to (never sitting). So in my attempt to sitting more, I started a very old knitting project. I'm knitting an afghan. I'm actually enjoying it. I do love knitting. My mom bought me wool years and years ago to make this afghan (thanks mom), and it has been sitting, very unfinished, in my closet. I'm grateful for the project to work on.
As I enter into the last trimester of the pregnancy, I'm so grateful to God for giving me this precious gift. There is something very comforting about making it to 28 weeks, and I praise God every day for the blessing!


rachel joy said...

Yay! I'm so glad you've started a blog. I will be sure to visit often. May I add you to my link list? Don't worry, you'll be keeping up with it once you really get into a groove. I am so thankful for the network of friends it's given me. Old friends and new ones. Glad you're a part of it now.

Georgous boys!

Niki said...

Yippee! We've dragged you into the blogging fun! :)

Looking forward to reading the adventures of the Synesael 4-almost-5!

Have a good rest of your week-end and we'll see you soon!

Anonymous said...

Great idea guys! It's always good to hear from you both. Give a huge hug to Tyler and JJ for me.

Kellee, I'm glad you've made it this far and hope it's "down hill" from here. :)

Love you all lots,

Mom Synesael